Only the Ugly American Would Use This Parisian Icon As A Place To Nap
What…you’ve never gone overseas and played the role of The Ugly American? That’s apparently what happened to these two who found themselves drunk in Paris at one of the city’s most iconic places.
It’s Jim Monaghan with you Monday on the DHA Morning Jolt.
You know, you had the weekend. It was nice…the weather was really good, and we always like to check in and ask you, “How F’d Up Were You?” because there’s always the chance that you could be overserved, overindulge, in something and, well, do something really stupid.
Like these two American tourists who were caught with a drunken sleepover. According to the Paris prosecutor, they appeared to “have got stuck because of how drunk they were.”
We’ve all had that – woken up in a strange place, had one of those David Byrne-slash-Talking Heads moments – “How did I get here?”
Well, where they were asking themselves,” how did I get here?” was one of the landings of the Eiffel Tower.
Apparently, they had gotten drunk, they had fallen asleep, and were aroused the next morning by security guards.
So it’s not sure whether this was something that they planned – “hey, man, let’s go sleep in the Eiffel Tower” – or if it just kind of happened because of how inebriated they were.
Either way, the security guard said that these two knuckleheads did not pose any threat, or so it seemed, but it is against the rules. So they did file a criminal complaint with the police.
Minor trespassing? I don’t know. They’ll probably be fined. No specifics yet, at least that we’ve heard of on what these two will be hit yet.
The Ugly Americans wake up to find themselves in the Eiffel Tower.
And that’s this morning’s How F’d Up Were You here on the WDHA Morning Jolt.