Jeff Spicoli and Principal Vernon Comment On Today’s Weird News
You know you’ve hit the Weird News goldmine when Jeff Spicoli and Principal Vernon, both of whom have had their own unique encounters, offer comments on recent events.
Weird News 2-22-24
ANNOUNCER – Time now for WDHA’s Weird News with Michael Fuzzy Lee.
FUZZY – Today in Weird News, police in Dayton, Ohio, say an officer noticed two drunk people on an ATV with no lights on. As he began to turn around to follow them, the ATV drove into traffic and hit another police cruiser, sending the pair flying.
They were taken to a hospital in stable condition and later hit with multiple charges in.
Where is Mr. Hand?
Is Jeff Spicoli responsible for this? He probably would have considered it a righteous trip as he flew off the ATV. I think he needs to get his head straight.
JEFF SPICOLI AUDIO – All I need some tasty waves, cool buzz, and I’m fine.
FUZZY – Or that. Whatever works best for you. I really don’t care.
Meanwhile in the Steel City
And lastly, in Weird News, police in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, received reports of a stolen construction vehicle barreling down the street and damaging cars and property.
Officers arrived on the scene and were shocked to find that the driver was a ten-year old boy riding a Bobcat. He was wearing a hard hat and appeared to be enjoying himself as he rampaged down the road.
I do have recorded audio taken from a police cam with the father reprimanding the child. So let’s roll it.
AUDIO – Listen, son, I don’t know what you were thinking running a Bobcat like you’re in the demolition derby. If you wanted to rampage something, you should have drove that thing through Carl’s house.
That son of a bitch still owes me $100 from the strip club. Sh*t like that don’t come cheap, you know, especially after you factor in inflation.
It’ll be cheaper if I get myself my own boob job.
But I do give you credit for wearing the proper safety gear, the hard hat. Because I’m going to bop you so hard upside the noggin. You’ll be grateful you had it on. Now get inside. And no more construction simulator games either.
FUZZY – Listen, if someone took my video games away, expect the God of War resurrecting within me. There’s going to be a fight. But at least the kid walks away with a really nice hard hat. I think he’s going to need it.
PRINCIPAL VERNON AUDIO – The next time I have to come in here, I’m cracking skulls.
FUZZY – Yeah, that doesn’t sound too good. And that’s DHA’s Weird News.