Florida Man Has a Really Strange Place To Keep His Pets – All 5 of Them
A lot of people have pets. Probably only Florida Man would keep his pets – alligators…all five of them – in a strange place.
Like his bathtub.
DATELINE – Saint Cloud and the Saga of Florida Man Robert Robinson.
He has an interesting pet collection. He found himself in a bit of hot water after County Sheriff’s officers discovered he was keeping not one, not two, not three, not four, but five alligators in a bathtub in his house.
He’s been cited for the personal possession of wildlife without a Class II permit after officers found a gator at his home.
The police had received an anonymous tip that someone was keeping juvenile alligators in a bathtub. Officers visited the home that was mentioned in the tip. They were greeted by someone sitting on the front porch who said, well, you should contact the owner.
So the officers contacted Robinson, who over the phone told the officers, “Yeah, I have gators in the house. Go on in and take a look. It’s okay with me.”
Well, inside the bathroom that was in Robinson’s bedroom, officers found the five alligators in the bathtub. Of course, they double checked the other rooms inside the home to make sure that there weren’t any other little critters floating around or just roaming around.
Officers managed to track down Robinson near his work to speak with him in person, at which time he revealed that he caught the alligators from a pond near his home. It remains unclear how long Robinson was in possession of these alligators.
Mandatory Court Appearance
Robinson has been issued a citation which carries a mandatory court appearance. Hopefully, he doesn’t bring any alligators with him.
Those five alligators that were in the tub, by the way, they’ve been released into a nearby lake.
Can you imagine that Florida man bringing gators with him to the court appearance?